3 ways to help a business owner like you to capture better quality photos of your food and product creations using your phone.

When a follower scrolls through their feed and sees something that’s seemingly looking like a cake but really can’t tell because it’s quite dark and out of focus, THEY WILL KEEP SCROLLING - your delish-decadent-cake-creation forgotten in the abyss of many, many photos on the internet. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’m tempted to DM an account and say, “hmmm, this picture looks really hmmm….blurred”. STOP POSTING BLURRY AND UNRECOGNIZABLE IMAGES of your products. It hurts your brand and your business. 

Don’t let this happen. Here are 3 ways you can take better photos of your food creations and products using your phone.

  1. Use the back camera! Not the front/selfie. I’ve mentioned this a lot of times. The rear camera of the latest phones still has better quality than the front-facing camera. You can also position your food/product better before you click on that capture button. This will help you create a sharper and more focused image. View it from your screen like how one would see it from their phones.

  2. Don’t use flash. Your phone’s flash is there for a reason. But not for capturing your food/ products. The brightness of the phone flash creates weird and unflattering light, and results will always vary based on different room lighting scenarios. Your phone flash will cast uneven shadows, too.

3. Think twice before you capture anything under dim yellow lights. If you’re in a dark room, say a cafe, and your only available light source is your pendant lights from the bar. Maybe, find a window or a door with natural light. Your phones are made to adapt to different light conditions, but they don’t always look right. Phones do not auto-correct how warm or cool the light looks. Photographing a food or product under dim yellow lights will also give you yellow and dark tones. And when you’re taking pictures of food, yellow lights don’t bring out an appetizing look. So wait for the best time of the day to capture your products using natural light.

I hope this helps you create better-looking food and products photos of your creations. More tips like this for the entrepreneur boss like you every week here, on our blog! Have a friend who might need some phone photography tips? Tag them below!

If you have any questions, let us know! We’d love to help you! Send us a message on the contact page.


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