Do I still need professional photos for my business now that Instagram is favoring video content???

Not long ago, we talked about how vital professional photos are to your business. Some businesses solely use professional photos for their Instagram pages. But the recent news that videos are being prioritized makes many business owners question, “Do I still need professional photos”? The answer is YES! And much more important than before. 

While Instagram is getting saturated with trendy Reels, you should work (if you have not yet) on other digital places that you can use to draw your target audience at. 


Here are some samples of digital platforms you need to be using professional photos, starting now! 

1. Your business website. The number one and most important space to populate with professional photos. This is your central hub, your brand’s digital HQ. Your website should display professional images of your products/services. Your website is yours. It is not some app that would act up and change its rules to favor whatever trend. So you’re free of the headaches to follow weekly trends. A set of professional photos, quarterly, bi-annually, or even once a year, will make your website and your brand scream professional.

2. Pinterest. This! Not a lot has talked about how Pinterest can help a brand when utilized for growth. Use professional photos to pin on your Pinterest boards. Market your brand with images that are taken professionally. The exciting shots will make people on Pinterest view your links and check what you have to offer. 

3. Google My Business. If your target market is direct to consumers and locally. This platform will help you spread the word about your business. Professional photos are an excellent addition to a great Google My Business page. Produce better brand impact with professional photo updates now and then.

Still, professional photos are one of the best visuals to showcase your business and spread brand awareness. Do not mistake the current video trends to be the only way to put your brand out there. It is not. 

I hope this helps! Let me know in the comments below if you are using professional photos for your business.

If you haven’t, maybe it’s time to! Email us at


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