Prepare your marketing campaigns and product launches ahead.

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Get ahead of the season! Prepare your marketing campaigns and product launches ahead. 

Special occasions, holidays, and change of season are some of the top-selling times for retails and service-based businesses alike. It is vital to prepare for those moments to push your campaigns and launches successfully.

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Some steps to help you with a successful campaign/launch. 

1. Conceptualize. What do you want to achieve? How do you want to go about it? Knowing your goals will help you identify your business’ needs. Form your ideas around that goal.

2. Plan. Now that you have your concept formed, it’s time to get the pieces together. Find out your budget, who your target audience is, choose what channels (platform) you want to use for the campaign/launch, for example, through digital marketing, including social media. You also have to identify in what kind of content you want your message to be seen. Is it through videos, stop motion, images, graphics, or all of the above? 

3. Schedule. It is a step mostly neglected. Some take scheduling for granted cause, hey, we rock, and we can make anything happen, even at the last minute. But listen, to be able to more cost-effective and, seriously, less stressful, you have to schedule your plans ahead. You’ve got all your points in place. Now set a timeline for these to be done. For example, you need visuals for the campaign/launch, schedule your photography sessions ahead. Like maybe two months or more. Your photographer needs time to create and process the images, but that’s not all you need. Your graphic artist (or yourself) needs enough time to design those materials too. Maybe add some graphics to it, or attach it to a poster. And also, you might have them printed, which will take more time. Or maybe you need to have a voice-over recorded for your video, which will also take time.  Your marketing and launch materials can’t be all done in 24hrs and leave you very satisfied. So schedule things ahead and set your timeline way before your target launch date.

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Some examples. 

  • Summer is approaching - you should have your plan and scheduled timeline by now. Your campaign should be ready to launch before summer begins. So your consumer and target audience can see this and know that they can purchase or avail of it for summer.

  • Mother’s Day - You don’t launch your campaign on the weekend of mother’s day alone. You have to schedule it at least 3 weeks before. People need time to decide what they want and need, so give them time to consider what you’re offering.

  • Christmas/Holidays. - I cannot stress how important it is to schedule your timeline ahead for this season. Most vendors you’ll need will be booked ahead, photographers, for example. Most Christmas/Holiday campaigns should be prepared soon as the “ber” months hit. Yes, this early! Why? This is the best season for most businesses. Consumers tend to spend a lot during the holiday season. Hence, you want to show them ahead of what your business is offering. Entice them ahead.

I hope you get a few essential points from these basic steps! Andd don’t wait to get your marketing/launch content prepared by the last minute!  

If you need marketing campaigns/launch consultations, let me know! I would be pleased to help you! Let’s create and present your campaigns and launch on time! 

xx Cel


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